Harry Potter > Philosopher's Stone

Es sind momentan 2 Sets vom Themegebiet Harry Potter ufem Maert. Historisch gseh choschtet e Stei in dere Setreihe circa 0.12 CHF. S thema Harry Potter existiert sit em Joor 2001.

Momentan vrfiegbari Sets

# Name Joor Unterthema Baustei Minifigs Tiefschtpriis UVP Rabatt
76387 Hogwarts: Fluffy Encounter 2021 Philosopher's Stone 397 4 52.90 CHF 49.90 CHF -6%
76392 Hogwarts Wizard's Chess 2021 Philosopher's Stone 876 4 103.10 CHF 89.90 CHF -14%

UVP/Tiefschtpriis zu Stei Chart

Alli Sets

# Name Joor Unterthema Baustei Minifigs UVP BL Waertsteigerig
4701 Sorting Hat 2001 Philosopher's Stone 48 1 -1 49.39 CHF 520 %
4702 The Final Challenge 2001 Philosopher's Stone 60 2 -1 62.14 CHF 446 %
4704 The Room of the Winged Keys 2001 Philosopher's Stone 175 3 -1 81.98 CHF 260 %
4705 Snape's Class 2001 Philosopher's Stone 163 3 -1 -1.0 CHF -104 %
4706 Forbidden Corridor 2001 Philosopher's Stone 238 3 -1 -1.0 CHF -102 %
4707 Hagrid's Hut 2001 Philosopher's Stone 299 2 -1 165.0 CHF 384 %
4708 Hogwarts Express 2001 Philosopher's Stone 410 3 -1 197.85 CHF 248 %
4709 Hogwarts Castle 2001 Philosopher's Stone 682 9 -1 327.92 CHF 220 %
4711 Flying Lesson 2002 Philosopher's Stone 23 2 -1 36.99 CHF 713 %
4712 Troll on the Loose 2002 Philosopher's Stone 71 2 -1 72.16 CHF 535 %
4714 Gringott's bank 2002 Philosopher's Stone 250 4 -1 121.08 CHF 255 %
4721 Hogwarts Classrooms 2001 Philosopher's Stone 73 1 -1 62.05 CHF 446 %
4722 Gryffindor House 2001 Philosopher's Stone 68 1 -1 56.4 CHF 396 %
4723 Diagon Alley Shops 2001 Philosopher's Stone 80 1 -1 -1.0 CHF -108 %
75954 Hogwarts Great Hall 2018 Philosopher's Stone 878 10 129.00 CHF 107.09 CHF -5 %
75956 Quidditch Match 2018 Philosopher's Stone 500 6 54.90 CHF 65.99 CHF 45 %
30407 Harry's Journey to Hogwarts 2018 Philosopher's Stone 40 1 4.90 CHF 6.24 CHF 37 %
76387 Hogwarts: Fluffy Encounter 2021 Philosopher's Stone 397 4 49.90 CHF 42.35 CHF -6 %
76392 Hogwarts Wizard's Chess 2021 Philosopher's Stone 876 4 89.90 CHF 78.96 CHF 15 %
76395 Hogwarts: First Flying Lesson 2021 Philosopher's Stone 264 5 34.90 CHF 36.59 CHF 7 %